Critical-Decisions.Com, Inc.

“changing the world … one decision at a time”


Contest Topic #1:      

How do we arrest political gridlock?    


 Declaration of Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the following:

  1. I understand and accept the task – the written presentation (with video component if I choose) on the targeted topic: How can the political gridlock in Washington be minimized to a threshold where the constructive political process may be continued?

  2. I understand and accept the deadline for submissions and the finality of the judges’ preferences in selecting the winners.

  3. I agree to be responsible in presenting the ideas of others that have been expressed in published material, e.g., books, articles, blogs, speeches or other modes – by giving proper credit to the original creator of the idea. (Inevitably, complex solutions to complex problems will borrow from the previous work of others. Some of these work-products may have long ago become matters of public domain. The practical goal of this stipulation is not to create a research burden on contestants, but to simply avoid the cavalier pirating of someone else’s intellectual property.)

  4. I understand that I may be required to submit to editorial recommendations – which may extend to both stylistic and content dimensions.

  5. I agree to permit Critical-Decisions.Com, its agents and designees, to use any portion and/or the entirety of my (our) submission to promote and communicate to the public the importance of seriously addressing the gridlock problem and other significant problems.